Made Cam Newton Sadle Loafers With Blue Soul

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I love the way Cam Newton dresses.  How much do I love it, you ask?  So much that at work I pitched a "How To Dress Like Cam Newton" guide, spoiler alert they did not go for it…also I should add I work at a men's big and tall clothing company, not like hospital or anything, that would be a weird pitch.  Cam Newton's outfits bring me joy, and as I have said multiple times during these hell-ish seven months, when you find joy grab on with both hands.  Except today I am not just grabbing, I'm sharing.  I put together my ten favorite Cam Newton outfits, may they bring you joy as well.

Of all of Cam's outfits, this one (above) just might be my favorite, it checks all my boxes.  Straw hat?  Check.  Prints in the same colors?  Yup.  Cuffed pant leg?  Got it.  Neckerchief in a contrasting color?  But of course.  This outfit gives me Riviera vibes, even Dickie Greenleaf could never!

October 29, 2018 Carolina Panthers Facility

Long wool coat, cropped plaid fitted trousers, leopard shoes, just add a bold lip and this look IS Heather Foley.  God I miss a bold lip.  Anyhoo, this is a perfect example of how to give new fashion life to a traditionally classic look.  And I don't know if that cursive "C" is a tribute to Lavern of Lavern and Shirley but I'm going to pretend it is.

April 15, 2017 Coachella

This outfit got a LOT of buzz, and weirdly not all of it good!  Some slack-jawed fools had the NERVE to mock this amazing matching floral number.  And still more misidentified it as a romphim (male romper).  Personally, I have nothing against romphims, but they're usually worn by obnoxious men who mistakenly think they're funny.  Oh and the best thing about this set is that he bought it at a small local business and it cost less than $200.

August 29, 2018 Parts Unknown

Preppy but make it fashion!  An outfit rooted in olive pants and a chambray shirt sounds like it would be boring and basic, but Cam's knack for accessorizing elevates this outfit.  Also never underestimate the impact of pegging…your pants.

September 9, 2018  Carolina Panthers Facility

There are two things I love in this world, tracksuits and pajama dressing, and Cam pairs them beautifully.  I can't believe I never thought to throw a robe over a tracksuit, but here we are.  Thank you, Cam Newton for showing us genius in black and white.

July 23, 2018, Someplace Tropical

Bonus beautiful woman in Gucci Princetown slippers!  (I have the fake Target ones but if anyone wants to upgrade me my shoe size is 38.8)  Cam is a master of mixing prints, and for me this outfit is all about the blue hues in his shirt and shorts.  By keeping a similar color profile (with a pop of orange in the shirt) the "clashing" prints look chic, not crazy.  And please note the length of his shorts, don't be afraid to show some thigh, fellas!

June 24, 2019, Paris France

All hail the king of pajama dressing!  Grey geometric print top and bottom, Gucci backless loafers, pendant necklace, and a signature hat; proof you can dress matchy matchy without looking like you're wearing Garanimals.  And please, if you're going to stick a toe into the pjs dressing pond, do it like this and not with grubby flannels and a raggedy t shirt, ya ragamuffin.

September 14, 2020 First Patriots Game

Some of yall thought you were real funny on twitter calling my dude The Mask or Christopher Lloyd in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.  Someone alert Paula Poundstone that she has competition!  Well let me tell you this, that outfit, the yellow suit and the BAM loafers perfectly encapsulate what Cam Newton is, a breath of fresh.

June 18, 2019 Paris, France

Look at that smile!  That's the smile of a man who knows the joys of expressing himself through fashion.  The smile of a man who isn't afraid of a French tuck or a cuffed pant.  The smile of a man who knows the power of accessories.  The smile of a man who embraces prints and colors!  Make bolder fashion choices and you too could smile like this!

November 7, 2018 What Appears To Be A Parking Lot

I went back and forth about including a more traditional suit in my list, but then I realized I could use it as an opportunity to scold the male population about wearing their suits too baggy.  Why do so many of you wear your suits too big?  I'm not saying your suit should fit like a second skin, but it should like, fit.  I don't care if you spend thousands on a suit, if the jacket is hanging off you and you're swimming in the pants you look a mess.  But back to Cam, hell yeah to this floral shirt and bow tie.

Now my challenge to us all, regardless of gender or how we identify, is to go forth and dress like Cam Newton!

*I wrote this before we learned about Cam Newton's Covid diagnosis, so please don't think this list is flippant.  We all wish Cam a speedy recovery.  And also, I am obsessed with the thought of Cam convalescing in a Nap Dress.

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  1. Pat November 14, 2021 at 2:21 pm - Reply

    I LOVE to see Cam' fashions. Shame more men can't branch out & be more individual. All most men know is black, brown, gray, and maybe blue. How boring. Men would get the attention of more women with at least a hint of color.

  2. joe November 15, 2021 at 8:14 am - Reply
  3. Dave January 1, 2022 at 3:07 pm - Reply

    My lord… his fashion matches his play. Putrid.

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